Commonwealth Arena - Site License                 24/04/2024 - 10:11 AM
        Scottish Student Athletics Track and Field Championships        
                   Grangemouth Stadium  - 20/04/2024                    
Event 16  Women 200 m University
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
        SUCA: R 24.06  23/04/2022  Roisin Harrison, U of Aberdee        
    Name                    Year Team                     Heats         
Heat  1 Heats   Wind: -1.2                                              
  1 Lois Garland                 Uhi                      24.64Q        
  2 Erin Campbell                Strathclyde Univ         25.59Q        
  3 Rachel Lorimer               Stirling Uni             25.65q        
  4 Anne Rodriguez               Stirling Uni             27.95         
  5 Grace Shani Anthony          Glasgow Uni              28.06         
  6 Lucia Montgomery             Glasgow Uni              30.61         
Heat  2 Heats   Wind: -1.0                                              
  1 Brooke Dunlop                Glasgow Uni              26.85Q        
  2 Tamsin Fowlie                Edinburgh Uni            26.96Q        
  3 Phoebe Moncur                Rgu                      27.24         
  4 Charlotte Hume               Gcu                      27.34         
  5 Diana Raschella              Stirling Uni             29.19         
  6 Kathryn Holton               Glasgow Uni              29.62         
  7 Darcey Ellis                 Aberdeen Uni             30.24         
Heat  3 Heats   Wind: +0.0                                              
  1 Charlotte Bevan              Aberdeen Uni             25.26Q        
  2 Katie Dinwoodie              Napier                   26.14Q        
  3 Eve Garry                    Aberdeen Uni             26.48q        
  4 Caroline MacConnell          Glasgow Uni              27.23         
  5 Isabella McTernan            Glasgow Uni              28.16         
  6 Erin Farrell                 Abertay University       29.98         
        SUCA: R 24.06  23/04/2022  Roisin Harrison, U of Aberdeen       
    Name                    Year Team                     Heats  Wind H#
  1 Lois Garland                 Uhi                      24.64Q -1.2  1
  2 Charlotte Bevan              Aberdeen Uni             25.26Q +0.0  3
  3 Brooke Dunlop                Glasgow Uni              26.85Q -1.0  2
  4 Erin Campbell                Strathclyde Univ         25.59Q -1.2  1
  5 Katie Dinwoodie              Napier                   26.14Q +0.0  3
  6 Tamsin Fowlie                Edinburgh Uni            26.96Q -1.0  2
  7 Rachel Lorimer               Stirling Uni             25.65q -1.2  1
  8 Eve Garry                    Aberdeen Uni             26.48q +0.0  3
  9 Caroline MacConnell          Glasgow Uni              27.23  +0.0  3
 10 Phoebe Moncur                Rgu                      27.24  -1.0  2
 11 Charlotte Hume               Gcu                      27.34  -1.0  2
 12 Anne Rodriguez               Stirling Uni             27.95  -1.2  1
 13 Grace Shani Anthony          Glasgow Uni              28.06  -1.2  1
 14 Isabella McTernan            Glasgow Uni              28.16  +0.0  3
 15 Diana Raschella              Stirling Uni             29.19  -1.0  2
 16 Kathryn Holton               Glasgow Uni              29.62  -1.0  2
 17 Erin Farrell                 Abertay University       29.98  +0.0  3
 18 Darcey Ellis                 Aberdeen Uni             30.24  -1.0  2
 19 Lucia Montgomery             Glasgow Uni              30.61  -1.2  1